Success case

Customer lifecycle


The challenge

A gas distribution company offers customers and collaborators a marketplace for contracting gas through different custom journeys based on the characteristics of each supply point.

Additionally, the marketplace provides the company’s internal managers with a comprehensive back-office for managing new contracts until the gas is supplied at the point of consumption.


The main objective is to improve the efficiency of the processes, developing an application to digitize the process of registering and managing applications and requests for connection to the gas network for its customers. And, additionally, to automate the application management processes in the corporate systems.

How have we done it?

  • Integration with corporate systems
  • Cloud development on AWS
  • React
  • WordPress
  • Python

The results

Customers and collaborators are autonomous in the registration and management of requests, they do not need to call. And above all, automating management processes has allowed internal people to focus on other, more valuable tasks.